George Bohan
1 min readAug 29, 2021


“No, actually I don't.”

You’re simply not being honest here. The story of the only successful violent overthrow of a duly elected government in the nation’s history was taught to none of us for the same reason we were all taught that the Civil War was actually about “states’ rights”, for the same reason that Lee and Jackson are taught to be “military geniuses” rather than traitors, for the same reason that memorials to terrorists like Nathaniel Bedford Forrest still stand in this country, and for the same reason Andrew Jackson is held up as populist hero. To disingenuously suggest that you’re altogether unaware of our school’s 150 years of systematic efforts to outright lie about our nation’s history hurts the rest of your arguments.


In fact, you are. You are siding with right-wingers who are arguing that it shouldn’t be taught. They are saying so in school board meetings. They are saying so at their rallies. The fact that the legislators who support their views are clever enough to use language that their white constituents understand as code for “we’ll continue to teach history dishonestly so that neither you nor your children are ever made to feed uncomfortable” doesn’t mean they aren’t motivated to do just that.



George Bohan

Born and raised in the South, living in Ohio. Writes about politics and management.