George Bohan
1 min readJan 2, 2022


You can't just deny things with your fingers stuck in your ears and say "lie. lie. lie."

You can't just toss out lie after lie and not expect to be called on it. You didn't provide one iota of evidence for any of the outright lies you spewed. You and your uninformed ilk seem to have decided that it’s your prerogative to trot out one lie after another without the fear of being called out. I’m just trying to make sure that liars are called to account.

“Joe Biden and several of his Democratic followers kept claiming that Build Back Better wouldn't cost anything”

Lie. No one ever said that BBB “wouldn’t cost anything”.

“And you can say things like, "I accused you of being a bigot. I'm pretty sure I'm right." but you have absolutely no basis for saying this.”

Sure I do. Go back and read your own initial comment. It stinks of the dirty bigotry the vast majority of your lot holds. The fact that you deny your own bigotry doesn’t mean you’re not a bigot. You ARE a bigot. Your own words out you.



George Bohan

Born and raised in the South, living in Ohio. Writes about politics and management.